Spaces, Places, and Faces

Metaphysical Services





Feng Shui Home & Business | Eastern Astrology Charts | Sacred Space Creation

Reiki Healing Sessions | Shamanic Journeys | Sound Therapy | Cord Cutting | Guided Visualization | Aura Clearing | Chakra Balancing



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Autumn is a certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Holy Fire Reiki Master, Munay Ki Shaman and Metaphysician who’s practice and expertise in numerous specialties expands over several decades. At the young age of 18 she began her studies of metaphysics, which has lead her to become a multi-faceted practitioner and teacher in the healing arts, including, Shamanism, Astrology, Eastern and Western Feng Shui, Reiki, BARS, plant medicine and permanent cosmetics. Autumn loves animals, enjoys crafting and spending time in nature connecting to the elements.

To learn more about Feng Shui, click here.


Healing Session

  • Reiki has become a popular term in todays age but what is it really? Holy Fire Reiki is a form of energy work that vibrates at a higher energy level than previous modalities. It is meant to heal and adjust the bodies energy flow. Reiki is done by healing and adjusting ‘major’ energy zones, aka, your chakras, to release stagnant energy, resulting in smoother energy flow, and a balanced chakra system. Clients report help with relaxation, illness, faster healing from injury, reduced pain, alleviated emotional stress and a feeling of personal well-being.

  • Choosing a Reiki master is the most important decision when receiving a reiki session, due to the transferal of energy during the healing session. You will want to choose someone who is in line with your goals, aspirations and can help guide you through your experience. Healing sessions are done in a private, safe environment.

    If you have been feeling stuck, unrested, fatigued or are ready to speed up your healing process, make a big decision or step into a total transformation, a reiki session may be for you.

Shamanic Journey

  • Having an experienced Shaman that is in line with your life goals and ethics is important for your shamanic journey. A shamanic journey is used to help heal the deepest parts of yourself, for personal growth, attune to the forces of nature, the elements and connect to the spiritual world around and within us. Shamanic journeys are done in a private, safe environment to achieve maximum results. All journeys are done with natural skin drums and are guided by Autumn.

  • Shamanic journeys are intended to help you connect to Spirit guides, power animals, plant or stone allies, as well as ancestors. You may experience a sense of belonging to the world we inhabit. You may face the shadows of fear, past trauma or self-doubts. Each journey is as unique as the person who experiences it.

If you have been feeling unsure of a certain aspects in your life, are on the brink of a big decision, would like to work with your guides or become more in tune with the world around you, or would love to try something new and different - a shamanic journey could be just the thing.

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Sound Therapy

  • Also known as vibrational medicine, or cyomatics - sound is a frequency and using sound waves, you can treat physical and mental conditions. Sound waves can be used to clear energy blocks in your body which can cause pain, sound waves can also help your body heal. Sound therapy has been around for thousands of years and has been known to help bring upon a deep relaxation. It is non-invasive and extremely relaxing in the sense that you are in a safe environment and only exercise your ears rather than your whole body. Sound therapy can be used in healing and to achieve deep relaxation.

    Sound therapy is for you if you have been experiencing undiagnosed pain, are unrested or in need of a deep relaxation

Cord Cutting

  • Cord Cutting is the process of cutting off a certain source of energy from yours - whether it be a relationship like a family member or a friend. Family members, friends and acquaintances close to you react to your energy field creating ‘cords’ between your energy fields. In time, those cords mold into each other, bonding your energy. If that person becomes problematic or detrimental to your energy field or personal well-being, cord cutting is done to relieve your energy of theirs.

    If you are in need of cutting ties with a family member, friend, previous partner or acquaintance - cord cutting can be a great solution.

Guided Visualization

  • A deep relaxation technique used to help you connect to your inner self and take ahold of your inner desires and dreams. It is a rather gentle, but powerful way to reach into your inner self and discover that everything you need is inside of you. Guided visualizations are used to help discover inner wisdom, boost confidence, manage stress and physically + emotionally relax your body.

    If you are stressed out, need to boost your confidence or blow off some steam - try a guided visualization!

Aura Clearing

  • According to new age beliefs, your aura is like a magnet picking up vibrational energies that are all around you in your energy field. This field around your physical body is known as your aura. It is important to cleanse your aura, freeing it of foreign vibrations and negative energies. You aura can experience dimness, blockages and sometimes just needs to be revived. Clearing your aura can help get rid of excess energies draining your own and will help you feel lighter, happier and more clear in your day to day actions.

    If you have been feeling tired, anxious, unbalanced or not quite yourself - an aura clearing should do the trick.

Chakra Balancing

  • Chakra balancing is believed to promote health by maximizing the flow of energy in the body, much as a tune-up enables a car to operate at peak efficiency. Chakras can become blocked over time and it’s important to unblock them so you are getting the most out of your energy and your life. There are seven major chakras and each one effects your body and harmony in a unique way. Chakras deal with different emotions and parts of your life and if you experience trauma or unjust experiences, your chakras can become unbalanced, leaving certain ones malnourished. Chakra balancing is important to maintain balance in your relationship, your well being and your personal, business and day to day affairs.

    A rebalance or a quick ‘tune-up’ will help maximize your bodies energy flow.

Don’t see a service or have questions? Feel free to reach out to Autumn! Click here to get in touch

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